Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Line it up.

In preparation for NYE don't forget your makeup.

Everybody likes the smokey eye. How could you not!!.. Its my fav and one of the most detailed and gives me the most opportunity to do the shading I love so..

Smoky Eye...

But, If you don't have time to visit your makeup artist before you head out to ring in the new year here's my suggestion for the NYE eye of 2011 and you should be able to do this with what's in your regular makeup kit.

Get a little heavy on your regular eye line.

If you usually use a natural tone go darker!!

If usually use a brown, grey, or soft black eye liner for your day-to-day spruce up, try a black brown or black liner and use your usual grey on the outside to add some boldest but beware of the raccoon eye.
If you use a black liner usually just kick it up a notch.
And everybody should remember to grab a bold mascara..

Kicking up the liner. Not so much of the smokey eye..

A little extra eye liner goes a long way.. Have fun with this and remember, if it looks a mess,  *whisper.. it washes right off.. who knew!!!..lol. Have fun girls!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Post Jingle Bells and all things sweet..Bring on the Sexy!

I have a way with color. That's my hook, my niche, color is MY thing!.
I use color when others don't think to, in a way that others won't, you get the drift, colors the norm. With that said, I have a sporadic renewed appreciation for all colors, but mainly black!

I'm feeling black this week. Sleek, Sexy,Sophisticated, Classy and a little touch of skanky to give you that extra pow! Black is always the right choice. With the hottest night of the year approaching (even though the jingle bells haven't stopped ringing) I have little black dress images dancing around in my head.
A little black dress + a super sexy boot + a sleek black coat - the super read lip/bright colored accessory = Sexy in all sizes.

Bring in the new year Sexy ladies!.. NYE is little black dress approved.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Even a little bit..

Life is funny, You may be thinking about something and a good friend will come to you and say they've been thinking the same thing. Some may blame it on the environment, we are all bombarded with the same media and commercial ads, we're bound to be on the same path right? Maybe, Maybe not. 
Most of us seem to feel a closeness to those that we are on the same track with.. That said, The same day I wrote my last blog post a good friend contacted me asking to help a friend of his.. Hmmm, That was exactly what I was talking about!.. Long story short we're all trying to pool together to help a women that has made the step to leave an abusive relationship for the good of herself and her children!!..
Many women have been in abusive relationships and know how difficult this is. This young women is taking a huge step to a better life and needs our support.
Therefore, I'll have to retract my kindness don't cost a thing statement in the instance; but, it doesn't cost much.  ;)
If we band together we can change someones life!!.. Make a donation at happineesishope.com and lets see how much we can pull together by the weekend to help this women get closer to the gift of piece of mind and happiness this holiday season.  
$5, $10, $20, $50 every little bit helps and it only takes a sec.. I'll keep you all posted on how this young lady is doing.. It takes a village people.. Who's in??

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Don't cost a thing.

Getting your glow is a collective effort.
It takes spiritual development, life experience, nutrition, keeping up with your health and some key beauty products.. Basically, you need to live your best life at all times.

Today I'd suggest the act of giving. What have you done for someone else today, this week, month,year?

I'm not necessarily talking about buying your kids that Nintendo DS they've been asking for or giving in to that teen that wants a car.. Something super small that would mean the world to someone else.

Take a moment to have a chat with someone or stop and ask someone how they are doing today.. You may find that they are having a terrible time at home and you can offer a few minutes of support that can give them a new positive outlook on things. Or just the opposite, you may be going through some trying times but by taking a moment to be selfless you may find some answers you've been looking for. A simple conversation can mean so much.

What have you done today??

Peace ~ Love

Monday, December 13, 2010

Hawaiian Christmas..

The country has been hit with record cold temps this week.
Theres snow in Atlanta, Chicago just got hit with a blizzard, Indiana is completely under snow to the rooftops, I could go on..
So, as I take a look at my perfect plum fingertips I say to myself "why?" why are my tips dark plum.. Don't get me wrong, I love this color ;but, you know what, I feel like some bang and pop right now..
So, I'm introducing Hawaiian Christmas, I'm getting away from all the evergreen shades, cranberrys, maroons, etc etc.. and this week I'm taking to the islands!!.. kelly greens, bright blue polish and mango flavored & colored lipgloss is where I'm at, topped off with a fruity perfume to give a little blast of something sweet..

I'm kicking snow and feeling great in below zero temps!!.. who's with me?

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Conceal it?

So, Everyone knows I'm a big fan of natural beauty.. None of my girls should be overdone or making their children do a double take or start crying 'caus they don't recognize mommy..
That said, I got another on-the-go-girl pick for you.

Concealer!!!!.. You have got to love concealer and if you haven't heard anyone rave about concealer, listen up.

Concealer is the best thing since sliced bread. :)
Applied properly it will give you the extra boost you need to get your glow going.
It comes in various formulas, creme, powder, mouse, liquid, you can find one that works for you. And a little goes a long way, so it's minimal investment. I can't think of one single negative to concealer. Try it and tell me what you think..

On-the-Go-Girl Concealer Rule #1: Find your shade.
Concealer should be slightly lighter than your skin tone to help blend out dark spots.
(If your dark spots are not as noticeable but you just want a bit of coverage you can get a shade to match your complexion but I would advise just using a light foundation or tinted moisturizer instead of concealer at all)..

On-the-Go-Girl Concealer Rule#2: Applying Concealer
The best thing about concealer is that you can do whatever you want with the stuff.
Give your face and neck a good once over. Where are your dark spots.? What is taking away from your glow? Most of us have some type of darkness under our eyes which is unavoidable (be aware of what is normal for you. Dark spots under your eyes can be code that you're missing out on Iron and some other medical issues so make sure you aren't covering up signs of illness that need to be addressed)

Concealer is best dabbed on with your fingertip. Don't smear or rub in. dab enough to cover dark spots and then use a light foundation or tinted moisturizer over your entire face so that all blends in..

That's it!!!!

And you will look a million times more flawless. Two steps..Can you beat that.. seriously? Lipgloss, Mascara and go!!.. You're ready to take on the day.. 


Monday, November 22, 2010

MAC & Minaj, Barbie Pink Friday

Nicki Minaj and MAC? ok, I see ya.
To mark the debut of Nicki Minaj's first solo album, Pink Friday, MAC and Minaj collab to bring us this perfect pink.
Whether or not you're a fan of Nicki, you got to love pink and this pinks got some bang.!

The most girly vivid pink since the MACs actual limited addition barbie collection a girly girl like me is all over it.. This color can work for anybody, Even the most chocolate girl can use this to highlight your normal shades.. Give your day some pop!

MAC Minaj Barbie Pink will be available for the next four Fridays only.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Rihanna, growing and changing your personal style

So I've been thinking about this a bit since Rihanna changed her hair color. What defines your personal style for the moment vs fad?  I think we can all agree shes a super gorgeous girl. Across all lines, color, demographics, folks agree that that chick is hot.! So, how do you feel about her newer look? She a young lady, only in her early 20's. Is she coming into her own personal style or is it just a fad look? She's had this look for awhile, it may be here to stay.

As a celebrity it goes without saying that she lives by a different style rule book than we do day-to-day. Musicians/Singers, especially in pop culture, have to constantly find ways to reinvent themselves. However, many just get a hair cut, highlights, or change their makeup and keep going from neutral to rocket chic. So, her styles change isn't necessarily a direct result of her career, or maybe she hasn't changed much at all, just hair color? you tell me.

New to the pop world, the gorgeous neutral beauty.  

Thursday, November 18, 2010

To Weave or not to Weave

There was a question asked yesterday, Is a women fake if she wears a weave (and other unnatural items, lashes, nails etc)? And, Is this false advertising when it comes to dating?

Majority of the comments were something like "you're suppose to look your best" or "a women should keep herself up" etc etc. bottom line was, theres nothing wrong with weave. Got it. But! when did weave become the equivalent to keeping yourself up?
When did your natural self become the opposite of keeping yourself at your best.?
Let me be blunt, There is nothing wrong with weave. I'm the queen of versatility. Even though I haven't worn a weave and I don't like acrylic nails if you do, go for it! Change it up and do it all.

But, what is your reasoning? Are you hiding from yourself? Do you look the opposite of the airbrushed Elle cover and you're trying to emulate that as best as possible? Don't answer too quickly, these questions may take some serious thought, you got to look deep down there. If you can honestly say you just like the look and you love yourself, there ya go!. but if you're terrified by the thought of the sight of your own hair and you are rushing to the nail salon to get your acrylic nail fill-in because you know your real nails are brown and you shouldn't be caught dead in brown nails (unless its mocha nail polish of course), then you are a victim of faux beauty. shame on you.!

My only request to all my weave-a-licous sistas is to maintain a healthy natural mane, your hair should be growing under there, it shouldn't be a getting dry, brittle and breaking off. Weave is the perfect way to give your hair a rest from daily brushing, twisting, pinning and ironing. Use it as such.
Love yourself first, always.

As far as the whole false advertising when it comes to dating thing, I will disagree with most ladies. Most women say no, theres no such thing as false advertising but I will push it to the next level and say there is. As far as weave goes, wear your weave, like I said, keep your hair under there in good condition but wear your weave. However, when it comes to the point that you are pulling off everything; hair, nails, you got on a body magic jump suit under your clothes, eyelashes, a pound of foundation comes off your face, and you look in the mirror and see another person is standing there, 50lbs heavier, a different skin tone etc etc; then you are not the same person and thats false advertising. Thats an extreme situation of course, I'm sure none of you are living that but  keep it in mind and make sure you don't start living it. We get so used to patching things that we only patch and don't repair and take care of what we've got.

So with that, I just want to say, take CARE of yourselves ladies. Don't cover up the true you.

Peace ~ Love

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Choices Choices

The best way to get (and keep) your glow is to make sure you're conscious of whats going on inside your body. We're being attacked by pollution and chemicals from every angle but if you make it second nature to eat healthy, your body (and face) will show the difference.
I'm a firm believer in snack food. Even the unhealthy ones, taking a minute to snack on a candy bar and destress from the day is totally up my alley (well not candy bars cause chocolate isn't my thing but gummy sour life savers are an issue..lol) however, you have to make sure that you're not under so much stress that every moment is becoming a de-stress candy bar moment. Make sure you have a balanced diet. Keep snacks with you, healthy nuts and grains, dried fruits and raisins. There are plenty of cereal bars that you can snatch up and keep in your bag.
So next time you go for a sugary snack, ask yourself, have you had your share or super sweet snacks for the week? Your glow is reliant on your honesty..


Monday, November 15, 2010


Ok, so I love Makeup, I have tons of it, its officially a problem for my finances, lol. But, what I can't stand is a women that has on so much makeup you're afraid to see her real face!.. Whoa.

Some rules need to be set and that's what I'm here for..

First step to a flawless made over face is what lies beneath, so lets get our skin in order. The fall is the best time to get it together, the sun isn't beaming down on you damaging your flawless face. Don't get me wrong, I love summer!! Whats a better glow than a nice even tan on any skin tone, but we all know that the sun is damaging and the mild fall weather is the perfect time to give your skin a rest.

First step of your fall skin renovation is exfoliation. We have to get rid of the damaged layer of skin on top. I suggest a good facial and body scrub (stay close to later post for specific recommended products). If you're a skin care novice, start with something mild, if you're an expert and you have a cabinet full of buffers and scrubs this is the perfect time to use your microderm kits and chemical peels. (Use it now before the winter air hits and starts the next phase of skin damage).  Take a few minutes extra during your evening regimen, give yourself a good facial.
Start with a mild (but effective) face wash to get rid of all the surface scum that the day piles on. Next use whatever facial you chose, (preferably an exfoliate as I mentioned), something that will scrub away dead skin and give you a new layer to moisturize. I don't believe in giving yourself multiple treatments in a day so follow this with a nice mild toner and a healthy amount of moisturizer, a tall glass of water and get some good shut eye..

You'll feel renewed in the AM and your skin will say thank you..

Use a mild wash in the morning and don't forget a moisturizer with SPF, always! At minimum SPF15.

Even if you're applying makeup for the day, moisturized skin blends better with all products (liquid or power).. You're going to have the glow either way, take it with you all day!

p.s. I mentioned body scrubs, Whatever your favorite body wash try to use something with micro-scrubbers or use your favorite body wash with a loofah. While you're scrubbing your face you might as well have the soft renewed skin everywhere else right..  ;)

Peace ~ Love

Sunday, November 14, 2010

all you need is gloss

Right up my alley..

All u need is gloss!!..

I'm the weirdest type of makeup guru because I'm all about everything being simple. Who has time to paint their face on a daily? Most of us barely eat breakfast, and if we do its in the car or at your desk over a conference call (is it just me ladies?).
I'll do a seperate post on my top On-the-go-Girl picks for your purse, but for now we're going to focus on the number one pick.. lipgloss!!!.. any and every girl needs a good lipgloss. just adding lipgloss will take you to a new place and that the place i like to be..
So if lipgloss is good place to be, whats a better place u ask, you got it, dual sided gloss!!..
My On-the-go-Girl pick of the day is double sided lipgloss. wear a pale or plum matte during the day and add the shimmer/glitter at night. or layer the solid with shimmer. Its three looks in one!..with your i.d., debit card and a few pieces of gum in a wristlet you're ready hit the ground running...

all you need is gloss

In the Spirit of Giving

Last month we all took part in painting our towns pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We had tee shirts, pink parties, in Chicago there were pink lights everywhere, the skyline was beautiful. Some salons I visited in NY were giving pink hair extensions to rep the cause.
I don't know about you  but I try to do whatever I can when it comes to breast cancer awareness/research. I buy the pens, I just bought a makeup brush set in all pink w/a pink leather case, folders, notebooks, whatever it is I'll give me last little pennies if its for Breast Cancer Research. So it was a no brainer when the founder of the happiness-is-hope foundation asked me if I would provide my services to make-over breast cancer survivors for a fashion show at his yearly gala.

The Gala raised money for a foundation called R.E.S.T; what they do is provide financial assistance for breast cancer testing that isn't covered by insurance. What?! yes, I said the things that are not covered by insurance, I'm still surprised at how much insurance doesn't covered but that's another topic.
Anyhow, here are a few pics of some of my breast cancer survivors and a couple of models that were representing for a family member. There was one especially spunky 30-something survivor named Lisa that made it all worth it. She had a blast and said this was the most fun she'd had in years since her Chemo had drained her so much. I'm glad shes better and still here with us. Here's to all the breast cancer survivors and for those we have lost, we remember you.

 Done up, Just Enough!

Fresh Face Gorgeous! 

Add a little Color for a new look.  

Miss Spunky, taking a few minutes before she runs out the door for the fashion show. 

After the fashion show, me in my daily lip gloss and mascara look but my model has the glow going in her blinged out gown. I think its safe to say we all had a blast..

Stay close for the freebies I'll be shelling out for the holiday season.
The spirit of giving lives on... Peace ~ Love.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

A little more about me.

So, I'm a makeup artist.
(Not just a makeup artist but that's what I'm focusing on for the moment in this blog post.)

My view on makeup is a lot different. First off, my view of colors is what I'd describe as unique. I'm the girl who would be shopping with my gal pals and they'd say ugh and I'd say, wait, put that with this and that and do this with your hair and it'll be awesome!..And people agreed, I just have a different vision. I see colors when others see none and that helps me give my girls a flawless finish that they love.

I specialize in making over women that usually never wear makeup. Women that don't like color, don't like the maintenace, and don't have the patience or like the traditional look of makeup (and i'm not talking tomboys, i'm talking ladies that have tried various products and mulitple beauty counters and just aren't satisfied). I take on the girl that is walking out the door with chapstick only and I have a blast!

My blending techniques are different than most and my girls feel and look fresh and confident. They feel like themselves and thats what counts. Makeup is not suppose to make you look like someone else. You're suppose to be a more flawless version of yourself!!  Keyword, Your-self!!

 I hope you enjoy my blog.. Peace ~ Love.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Don't forget your gift.

Its November 12th and I've been hearing Christmas songs for the last week.. Every year the holidays hit a few weeks earlier. The cool thing is this is the perfect time to stock up on beauty products..

The holidays can be ruff financially. You got your kids, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, grandma, mom, dad, your friends kids, coworkers, the kids teacher, the mail man, i could go on; and don't be one of those lucky Mamas that gave birth on December 20th, you're screwed!. Bottom line, holidays can get crazy!.. But I'm a total planner, and I'm going to do my best to pass that on..  :)

So, even though those gift sets are so cute to give your best gal pal, don't forget yourself. For my ladies that don't wear much makeup, an eyeshadow gift set can last awhile and you'll have a variety of colors to choose from.. For my darker brown sistas, its a great time to catch up on shades that flatter you more. mocha's, browns, burnt orange, Burgundy's, deep greens and shimmers are all the rage for the holidays but these are shades that are constantly flattering on u, get them now and wear them always.

I've already grabbed a couple things for my kit.. and don't forget the deals on fragrance  ;)

Pamper yourself a bit..

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Good Evening Beautiful People,

I've been a little apprehensive about starting this blog. This is my first blog and a perfectionist like myself has to think, think, and rethink this process. Well, I just decided to jump right in, so here I go!

I just want to give you all an idea of what I'm about.
I'm into beauty... All parts of it. I'm all about being low maintenance but looking glam. The basis of my company is enhancing our natural beauty.. All of us!! Thats how I roll, thats what I'm all about.  :)

I'm not trying to turn a "plain jane" into a mega makeup purchaser that all of a sudden has such balance and skill that you can give yourself an Oprah transformation, (don't get me wrong, Oprah is a beauty but when she doesn't have that makeup on she looks a lot different than we're used to seeing everyday on her show). Anyhow, I'm here to teach you how to use a few key things to spruce up your look. More often than not I'm meeting women that tell me they'd love to wear makup but they don't have the skill, patience to find what'll work, or have tried tons of products and asked a million questions and they just don't get it. The main problem is that the beauty counter in Macys is trying to make you look like the ad they are representing; I'm here to make sure you look like the best you!!.. 

I won't get too deep right now, this is just an Intro. One added note though, I'm a mega texter, so occassionally you make catch me typing random shorthand but I'll try to make sure I'm keeping my spelling traditional.

I think this will be fun.. I'm excited to meet some new folks out there!..Teach something, Learn somthing.. Until next time.. Be the best u!!.