Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Don't cost a thing.

Getting your glow is a collective effort.
It takes spiritual development, life experience, nutrition, keeping up with your health and some key beauty products.. Basically, you need to live your best life at all times.

Today I'd suggest the act of giving. What have you done for someone else today, this week, month,year?

I'm not necessarily talking about buying your kids that Nintendo DS they've been asking for or giving in to that teen that wants a car.. Something super small that would mean the world to someone else.

Take a moment to have a chat with someone or stop and ask someone how they are doing today.. You may find that they are having a terrible time at home and you can offer a few minutes of support that can give them a new positive outlook on things. Or just the opposite, you may be going through some trying times but by taking a moment to be selfless you may find some answers you've been looking for. A simple conversation can mean so much.

What have you done today??

Peace ~ Love

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