Life is funny, You may be thinking about something and a good friend will come to you and say they've been thinking the same thing. Some may blame it on the environment, we are all bombarded with the same media and commercial ads, we're bound to be on the same path right? Maybe, Maybe not.
Most of us seem to feel a closeness to those that we are on the same track with.. That said, The same day I wrote my last blog post a good friend contacted me asking to help a friend of his.. Hmmm, That was exactly what I was talking about!.. Long story short we're all trying to pool together to help a women that has made the step to leave an abusive relationship for the good of herself and her children!!..
Many women have been in abusive relationships and know how difficult this is. This young women is taking a huge step to a better life and needs our support.
Therefore, I'll have to retract my kindness don't cost a thing statement in the instance; but, it doesn't cost much. ;)
If we band together we can change someones life!!.. Make a donation at and lets see how much we can pull together by the weekend to help this women get closer to the gift of piece of mind and happiness this holiday season.
$5, $10, $20, $50 every little bit helps and it only takes a sec.. I'll keep you all posted on how this young lady is doing.. It takes a village people.. Who's in??
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