There was a question asked yesterday, Is a women fake if she wears a weave (and other unnatural items, lashes, nails etc)? And, Is this false advertising when it comes to dating?
Majority of the comments were something like "you're suppose to look your best" or "a women should keep herself up" etc etc. bottom line was, theres nothing wrong with weave. Got it. But! when did weave become the equivalent to keeping yourself up?
When did your natural self become the opposite of keeping yourself at your best.?
Let me be blunt, There is nothing wrong with weave. I'm the queen of versatility. Even though I haven't worn a weave and I don't like acrylic nails if you do, go for it! Change it up and do it all.
But, what is your reasoning? Are you hiding from yourself? Do you look the opposite of the airbrushed Elle cover and you're trying to emulate that as best as possible? Don't answer too quickly, these questions may take some serious thought, you got to look deep down there. If you can honestly say you just like the look and you love yourself, there ya go!. but if you're terrified by the thought of the sight of your own hair and you are rushing to the nail salon to get your acrylic nail fill-in because you know your real nails are brown and you shouldn't be caught dead in brown nails (unless its mocha nail polish of course), then you are a victim of faux beauty. shame on you.!
My only request to all my weave-a-licous sistas is to maintain a healthy natural mane, your hair should be growing under there, it shouldn't be a getting dry, brittle and breaking off. Weave is the perfect way to give your hair a rest from daily brushing, twisting, pinning and ironing. Use it as such.
Love yourself first, always.
As far as the whole false advertising when it comes to dating thing, I will disagree with most ladies. Most women say no, theres no such thing as false advertising but I will push it to the next level and say there is. As far as weave goes, wear your weave, like I said, keep your hair under there in good condition but wear your weave. However, when it comes to the point that you are pulling off everything; hair, nails, you got on a body magic jump suit under your clothes, eyelashes, a pound of foundation comes off your face, and you look in the mirror and see another person is standing there, 50lbs heavier, a different skin tone etc etc; then you are not the same person and thats false advertising. Thats an extreme situation of course, I'm sure none of you are living that but keep it in mind and make sure you don't start living it. We get so used to patching things that we only patch and don't repair and take care of what we've got.
So with that, I just want to say, take CARE of yourselves ladies. Don't cover up the true you.
Peace ~ Love
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